Welcome to Weidner Ibérica, a company which is different, where innovation prevails and know-how focused on boosting specific responses and always endowed with high added value. Since we were founded in 1993 we have defined ourselves as an all-in manufacturer for a countless number of industrial supports and uses.
Weidner Ibérica is the byword in Spain for products aimed at the logistics and automotive industry, highly specialised in solutions for the environmental sector, renewable energies, aeronautics, street furniture or wine-making and many more. Based in Carlet, Valencia, our multidisciplinary team and an ongoing investment in the means of production enable us to respond effectively to the specific demands of our customers.
NWeidner Ibérica is the Spanish branch of the German group Weidner, founded in 1955. We are a company with our own development, manufacturing and distribution of goods’ transport systems.
The Weidner Group is one of the world market leaders and it has a real vocation for globalisation and service. We are up and running in five countries and we develop and produce wherever we are needed.
Our aim:
To be the trusted supplier of all companies that need innovative products with a high environmental value by means of an all-in service customised to suit each and every customer, optimising resources and thereby allowing your company to get a return on its investment.